I want to portray my character, Link, as a lively, innocent boy who is roaming the playful setting of Skyloft. As he is roaming around, he is alerted by a sound , and this causes him to feel confused. Then, Link senses the possible urgency of the matter and calls his Loftwing - his majestic bird - and prepares to fly off the island. Through this story, I want the audience to feel what Link feels. At the beginning, the audience should feel at ease and even happy. Then, as Link becomes alert, the audience likewise feels confused. The audience should then feel suspense as they assume that something concerning might have occurred. Through this story, I want to first introduce Link's character. Link is to an extent innocent, yet I want to reinforce his strength and reliability. He is the one Skyloft is increasingly relying on for their safety, so I want to not only portray his immaturity but also his importance and his authority. As a result, I will implement bright colors into his a...