
Showing posts from February, 2018

Bowls aren't Just for Food

When thinking of what to print from my food modeling project, I was confused. Trifle wouldn't look like trifle when 3D printed, and stools will probably collapse during the printing process. Thankfully, i modeled several bowls to accompany my food. Not only does a bowl look good, but it also has some value in my daily life. As a result, I printed a bowl, spray painted it, and put it to use. Here is the final product: The pattern was the result of a layer of plastic wrap which i placed above the fresh spray paint.

Trifle- Food Modeling Project

As with every art project, creating my trifle and its scene had its challenges. My biggest challenge was working with what I have. Trifle isn’t a particularly common food to eat, and few things go well with it. In addition, not many places actually serve it. I had to be imaginative in creating a scene and mood that fits the trifle and isn’t too plain. Although I had briefly planned out the scene before I began modeling my project, I encountered an imaginative roadblock once I completed my trifle model. I overcame this by looking at pictures of restaurants and gathering concepts, moods, and furniture or layout ideas from them. In the end, I successfully crafted a suitable environment for the trifle. You can see the complete product below: Establishing shot Worm’s eye view Medium shot Close up shot Bird’s eye view