Lighthouse Stills

Close Up Shot with Formal Balance and Repetition
 This still showcases the lighthouse from a relatively close camera angle. The lighthouse's base and semi-circular top reinforce curved lines, but the presence of straight lines is more apparent through the rain and the glare. These repetitive vertical lines emphasize the mood and the subject and draw the viewer's eyes to the more infrequent curved lines. Moreover, this still has a formal balance across the y axis as the lighthouse is centered in the picture, and this emphasizes the lighthouse and draws attention to its details.

Establishing Shot with Formal Balance, Simplicity, and Repetition
This shot taken from a relatively further distance places the lighthouse in the center to increase its emphasis. In addition, the general simplicity of the scene around the lighthouse encourages the viewer to focus on the lighthouse and its intricate textures. The repetition of the rain drops, which are vertical lines, makes the scene seem redundant and forces the viewer to find something different such as the curves in the lighthouse and the diagonal lines of the glare.

Extreme Close Up Shot with Emphasis
This shot includes several leading lines (the glare) which force the viewer to look at the center of the shot. This shot is also fairly balanced as it places the lighthouse in the center with a simple unsaturated background behind it, and this also helps the viewer pay more attention to the lighthouse. Finally, several items showcase the repetition of vertical lines, and this makes the scene more interesting to look at.

Medium Shot with Informal Balance, Emphasis, and Repetition
This informally balanced shot keeps the viewer interested with its several principles of design. The scene is filled with repetitive diagonal lines, but the different angles of some lines attract the viewer's attention to the top of the lighthouse. The steep rain creates a repetitive environment which sets the mood and connects the lighthouse to its surroundings while the shallow glare and spotlight contrast the scene and emphasize the importance of the lighthouse and how it is the main object of the scene. In addition, the variety of lines, shapes, and colors in this shot encourage the viewer to observe the picture more in case they missed some minor details.

Over the Shoulder Shot with Informal Balance and Repetition
The informal balance in this shot attracts the viewer's attention to the leftmost third of the image which contains bolder shapes and colors as oppose to the surrounding environment. The repetitive lines of the rain not only render the background as simple but also add to the sense of proportion between the close lighthouse and the far land and droplets of rain. moreover, leading lines from the glare emphasize the lighthouse further and contribute to the sense of proportion in this shot.

Point of View Shot with Emphasis and Simplicity
The vertical column-like structures of the lighthouse contribute to some rhythm as they allow the viewer to bounce from one pane to the next. In addition, the simplicity of the dark background initiates contrast with the colors of the water and the grass, and this allows the viewer to easily focus on the land and the water. Moreover, the repetition of vertical lines through the columns and the rain suggest harmony between the lighthouse and the scenery even from inside the lighthouse.

Bird's Eye Shot with Informal Balance and Variety
This shot voids some of the tranquility present in the past shots and introduces a stronger sense of disorder and instability. The variety in colors and shapes from the flat, blue sea to the jagged, earthy land to the humanized, gray lighthouse creates several objects of focus which can initiate some disorder for the viewer as they would have several things to focus on at once. Even though the glare still serves as a few leading lines toward the lighthouse, the rain drops emphasize and lead to the rest of the environment, and this promotes a contrasting balance of emphasis wherein no object is favored. Although the lack of specific emphasis may render this image to be bland, the variety keeps the viewer interested.

Eye Level Shot with Formal Balance and Emphasis
The leading lines and the balanced nature of this shot create a feeling of stability and emphasis around the lighthouse which looks majestic. The rain and the glare draw attention to the lighthouse and away from the simple, redundant background, and they also contribute a feeling of harmony in the scene.
Worm's Eye Shot with Informal Balance and Emphasis
The informal balance and the slightly skewed perspective contribute to a disorderly feeling which is emitted from this shot. However, the emphasis on the lighthouse through leading lines and contrasting colors allows the viewer to focus on the lighthouse which is seemingly stable despite the shot's general disorder. This keeps the viewer interested in the mood of the shot.

My lighthouse is generally interesting to look at and is often emphasized by its glare which I believe I controlled well. Although the colors and shapes might seem normal, the scene is not completely dull because each object has the opportunity to contrast in some way with the other objects in the scene. If I were to redo this project, I would focus more on expanding the scenery and creating more balanced shapes and textures. Moreover, I would spend more time focusing on color coordination and lighting. 


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