This animation was simple yet challenging at times: although the modeling was simple, animating the robot and coordinating fluid physics with the animation both presented some difficulties. My modeling was successful. The robot design was sleek and precise just as I intended for it to be. I chose nice textures for the table and the wall that I believe developed an environment as intended. Animating the robot presented specific challenges. To begin, the inorganic design of my robot made it difficult to control the bones. At some locations, the bones would bend and distort the mesh. I had to adjust my bones and mesh to solve this. Moreover, including the fluid animation was complicated at first. My initial plan was to have the glass fall on the table with rigid body physics then spill the liquid at specific frames. This was a daunting task for me to complete within the time I was given, so I compromised and decided to animate the glass falling by hand while still including fluid...